This film has to be one of the biggest insults to ever hit the big screen. I honestly have no idea how anybody can sit and watch this and pretend that it is a good Movie. I felt it was nothing but a milking of a cash cow that has been dead for years.
The original trilogy was a perfect tie up, it didn't give every fan what they wanted but it ended the Matrix, Neo and Trinity's story in such a way that they could never bring them back. They both died and it made sense for them to die as they sacrificed themselves for all humanity.
What this Movie does when taken as canon is make the original trilogy pointless. It ruins the world building and character development of every character in the franchise.
Im glad that some fans enjoyed it, I really am but this whole movie felt like a badly written fanfic from somebody who couldn't let go of the past.
If you like the way the original trilogy ended then avoid this abomination. If you don't mind throwing your money at Warner brothers to insult your intelligence go ahead. This film isn't a successful reboot, re-imagining but the original trilogy thrown into a blender and sold as a different product.
It's just odd.