Awww 🥰…
A Rom-Com for satanists!
Cuz way-way down, deep in their blackened 🖤’s they’re just like us! They just want to give and get luv.
Poor lucifer, he’s just so misunderstood. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t mean all the chaos and confusion and destruction he does: wars, murder, rape, pedo’s, human trafficking, organ harvesting on his website (the dark net), snuff movies, child abuse/trafficking and all the other wonderful things he’s given us!
The best trick the devil 👿 ever pulled was convincing the world 🌎 he doesn’t exist.
I’m sure the lefties love 💕 him since they’re inclusive of ALL the letters in the alphabet. Except for Jesus? That’s quite a head scratcher. Cuz I guess he went a bit too far with all that healing ❤️🩹 and feeding and teaching and helping and peace ✌️ and prayer 🙏 and salvation for mankind getting flogged and crucified for being a perfect gentle-man. There’s just no space for him in that alphabet soup 🍜 the lefties got going on. Move along dude, no hypocrisy to see here.
Just satanists falling in love and wanting to live happily ever after since that’s what they’re known for 😂🖤🥳.
Seriously 😒 story telling dudes, when you leave out common sense then it’s just a big flop. Especially to the people who kinda like 👍 the whole common sense angle 📐 in their movies 🎥.