In a world where the “media” is constantly reporting only what they want us to hear, it is refreshing to watch your show!
The critical race theory episode was so eye opening. I had read about this a couple of months ago. It was so bizarre, I almost couldn’t believe what I was watching!! It seemed so hard to believe that in America this was approved for our children’s education!! Hard to believe that “educators” really think this should be taught to OUR children , and we are going to stand for!!
I grew up very poor, in a neighborhood with every race and nationality . Some made it out, and some didn’t. That’s the beauty of America, if you work hard, no matter who you are, you can have a blessed life! The ones that blame everyone for every mistake they made , were the ones that didn’t make it!!
What they are teaching, is just another form of hate . And to have the elected officials and teachers on the Facebook page seemed like a form of bullying! I hope this stops! Thank you for continuing to make us aware!
Thank you for your honest reporting!
Kathy Mitchell