Back when this Anime aired in my country, I still like 5 or 6 years old, at that time, I just thought how cool they are, but as I growing up, I start to realize there's so much more than just being cool, this anime gradually teach me about life, starting from courage, friendship, responsibility, love, sincerity, knowledge, hope, and kindness, it told me about all of its in a way that a kid would understand. It's even inspired me to learn about all of technological things, back then I didn't even have my own personal computer yet the internet, and now I'm became an IT consultant, yeah Digimon has did a lot to me. Now 2020 Digimon Adventure has been remade, I don't think it's quite bad, even some part of me feel a little bit of sad, because it didn't continued from the origin, but, I do also hoping kids nowadays could get inspired by it too, and make a new brighter future. I believe there are no bad person who love Digimon. Thanks for all the lesson, 1993 Digidestined Sign Out!