Season 1 was really good! The American commentators ( Terry Crews and Charissa Thompson) did a really good job! The Brazilian commentators were also fun to watch.The course and overall presentation was also good! So, I had high expectations for the 2nd season.
However, I was really disappointed. Season 2 is the worst in all the three. IDK why they changed the American commentators, but it was the worst decision they made. Tiki Barber has got NO enthusiasm at all, and what is a competition without team spirit? Also, they changed everything from the music to the uniforms to the overall presentation. The course is waaay to easy. ( in this season all they had to was just touch the point point thruster instead of pulling it and the Mag Wall had bigger grips). I hurt to see one of the best shows turned into one of the worst.
Now, season 3, was a BIT better compared to the 2nd one ( they still had Tiki 😒) but at least the course was more complex.
So, if you’re gonna watch UBM, then u should definitely watch the 1st, but NOT the second. 3rd one is okay.
Season 1: 10/10
Season 2: 2/10
Season 3: 4/10