Good afternoon today is March 18, 2021 actually stopped to see what the ladies were talking about on your TV show,the social ,I actually can’t believe that this is allowed on our TV network”, because all this is ,strictly their opinions ,It’s too bad they wouldn’t talk about real life things instead of how they see things in life,when a lot of us Canadians ,especially veterans and other people of this society are not allowed to express our opinions or we are name racist ,etc .If you’re going to have a TV show that the public wants to watch try talking about real life issues such as the homeless such as what is not being done for people who are less fortunate talk about what we can do for people to bring them up instead of criticizing people because just like them and myself none of us are perfect we are all human beings I’m sure if we were given the time and if we had the support and the backing we could find a lot of unacceptable things that these people have done in their life but because of their fame and who they are allowed to talk down to normal citizens and express what they think should happen. So they really need to quit actually putting other people down to make themselves feel better and try lifting people up