An incredibly moving account of the horrors of life under decades of illegal occupation, bombing, murder, apartheid, theft of land and dehumanizing. No child, nor adult shouyld have to endure this level of suffering. The reality is that the zionists who control Israel and their zionsit supporters in the US and elsewhere have always had only one objective: to exterminate the Palestinian people in order to control all the territory. We are seeing it happen live, unlike mass murders in the past. I am ashamed that my tax dollars go to support this. Anyone who does this to other humans, and anyone who tries to jusify it, are truly evil. It makes me sick, as does the few one-star reviewers, who have no heart and just blabber on about Hamas this and Hamas that. The truth is that Palestinians have been the victims of Israel since the day it proclaimed itself a country (without consulting any of the people already liviing in Palestine of course.)