The series has an almost "Fault in our Stars" feel to it. Each episode is beautifully written. Truly diving into the realities of what it's like to be different during your teenage years, and struggling to find yourself, and figure out who you are in a world that for decades has put something of a stigma on not falling into the so called norms of our society. That has only just recently begun to stop making it seem being different is something to be ashamed of. The entire process of having to "come out" as gay or bisexual is a "process " within our society that should end, just because your a man who likes men, or women who likes other women shouldnt mean that you have come out and make an announcement to the world, it's a process (if that best describes it) that just shouldn't be. Straight people dont have to sit their family and friends down and explain who they are, so gay people shouldnt have to either. Hopefully one day soon will be in a world where we can just be who we are without having to explain it to everyone, the coming out process just makes a persons life that much more stressful, just be who you are no explanation is needed!!!