I don’t need to watch or even want to. I’m a lifetime Mormon. My great great grandfather was an adopted son of Brigham Young. He and his accomplices needed to find a scapegoat for the mountain meadows massacre. They used him. JD Lee. I have one of the few remaining journals of John D. Lee. One last one that has not been destroyed by the LDS church. I’m sure they would love to have it. It will never leave my hands. At times I can’t believe I wasted my life trying to reconcile what happened. The liquor trades, the unbelievable unfairness of mormon battalion pay. Most of which was given to those in favor rather than the people who were starving. It goes on and on. Wretched! Brigham Young is the one that should have been executed for what his part was in the whole affair. He gave the orders to have a whole wagon train of men women and children massacred. JD Lee became a martyr to save the LDS church. Maybe there is a difference between Utah Mormons and Arizona Mormons. Utah ones seem to be more messed up. On John D. Lee’s grave. There is the words carved into granite. “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth will make you free”.