Most people are saying that this game deserves more stars as it’s finally “moving in the right direction” . But I don’t think developers should be rewarded for recycling to old products features that the community had stripped from them in the first place.
It blows my mind how a football game that’s been running for 20+ years is still dealing with the same mechanical issues from year 1. Instead of fixing linemen that won’t pick up blockers on the run, impact/ physical resistance mechanics, running backs running on the spot caught on other CPU’s legs, linebackers that can cover the entire field lengths in seconds, interceptions from dbs making incredible catches while your wide receiver just sits there and doesn’t attack the ball on routes.
EA just focuses on adding mechanics no one asked for: like superstar influences and additional bonuses. The entire concept is ridiculous, just because my opponents team has someone like Patrick Mahomes or another superstar, suddenly my elite team, of supposedly the best football professionals on the planet… are suddenly unable to play at there fullest capability because someone else is simply on the field. Whereas me as a player, I have zero influence or control over this. Giving direct advantages and disadvantages to using your favourite teams, or more concerning; giving further advantages to teams with better stats in the first place.
The good:
EA did bring in some cool features like mini games and training as well as combines for My player / superstar mode, which is way better than face of the franchise from previous editions… but it also weaker than my careers from before. Like other editions, it’s heavily favours the QB position, where as in other positions you are usually forced to choose between a healthy play for your team, or making goals as an individual player which could result in a negative outcome for the team or you standings.
Again, these are ALL features and modes that existed in madden 08/09… there’s nothing actually new, just recycling old features they shouldn’t have gotten rid of in the first place or that the community has been begging for since it was stripped in the madden 11 game.
I feel one star is justified, as I would give them 1 for upgrading the actual graphics and animations which are by far better than any of the other editions.