None of us are contract killers or Chechen mafia, some of you might be aspiring actors, some of you are definitely veterans. I'm none of those things, but a GIANT fan of this show.
Life is funny when it's not supposed to be, surreal when things should make sense, vicious because we're animals at the end of the day, and not fair because.. why should it be? This show instantly sucks you in, and doesn't let go. Now that you can almost watch the whole thing, I'd bet it takes you less than a week to watch it all.
It's a perfect case study on how to write real life dialogue, cast a comedic actor in a series role, cast a legacy actor in a substantial role, and how to mix levity with tragedy. Everyone lives life. The themes are the same no matter what station in life you occupy. Hit man or struggling actor. Or a fan of the platinum age of television. I can 100% guarantee you'll love this show, and I rarely ever say that.