Atleast this the Gaurdians of The Galaxy went off on a classic 70s & 80s music play list then a grand note... with a bang, and thank god Disney didn't stick their rat nose in James Gunn's work, the scenes of rocket's past were gut wrenching as it struck me harder like I either been shredded by an MG42 or by a panzerfaust cuz the lore of every gaurdian has a depth of an ocean or more. I'm glad the movie gave the Gaurdians an honorable goodbye or farewell, everyone went their separate ways but had good intent making the scenes in the last bits more heart warming hell, even one of the characters left a fun gift for one of the others. Since the movie was a "ride off into the sunset" kind of film, James Gunn decided to go out with a bangin one of the scenes with a fun surprise (See the movie for yourself, it's so good even made God and the Devil himself laughed). In other words Gaurdians of The Galaxy Vol 3 was as good as the two previous films along with the Christmas special.