This game can be compared to if a student copied and pasted somebody else’s essay and went back and changed different words and phrases to make it appear that they put in the time and research for their assignment. Hack and slash combat. There’s no actual dodging, only taking huge leaps away from the target. No control of how you perform parkour. They thought of every weapon EXCEPT a regular sword which is by far the most commonly used. The same few kill animations. You cannot create unique combs. Personally, I hate the fact that you have limited stamina and not being able to recover health while out of combat.
Great story, great voice acting and emotion can actually be seen in the characters faces. Also, their lips, for the most part, seem to actually look like there saying the words they’re speaking. Downward parkour is too slow.
This game is fun don’t get me wrong. It’s just more of the same. I just set my expectations to high I guess.
Also I do not like raids, or fighting with a lot of allies. I want an assassin who can take on large groups of enemies if they have the skill and patience to correctly time your counters and dodges, and perform unique combos.