"Picard" is hardly perfect.
It has taken 5 or 6 episodes for it to seem at all like a coherent narrative, characters flash into Admiral Picard's life and immediately become trusted allies, 7/9 deserves her own John Wick-style film series yet gets used in this series like a deus ex machina (ex teleporter), and the guile-lite Romulan ronin Elnor should have more complexity as a character than "Picard's True-blue Attack Hound".
The story about the personhood of artificially intelligent/sentient/sapient beings, however, is promising. So far, the series is rushing through the Great Questions that TNG (Data, Lore, & Moriarty) and Voyager (Voyager's Emergency Medical Hologram) handled more carefully. I'm still not sure how long this series is projected to continue; they may have time to take a few steps back and explore the lives of the android Soji, any surviving ex-Borg, and the Holography Swarm around Captain Rios. Fingers crossed!