I think Sarah, Sunny, Alissa view was disappointing. They are not showing fairness and gave up on Biden for weak reasons. Sarah stuttered when making her comment to Rick Klein. President Biden was not suppose to perform but present facts. Those three judging him so negatively is flooring. How many people has stuttered over their words when you want to say one thing but can't so you have to search for words that will be more appropriate. Whoopie does it all the time! Sometimes she have words she really want to say and stutters while searching for words to avoid saying what's on her mind. Biden did not lose this debate because it wasn't a debate. President Biden was trying to let the people know what's been happening during his term, what's coming in the future and yet respond to his opponents foolishness. President Biden seem to have been very cautious with his statements. He did what was necessary and bridled his answers. Anna was the only person that spoke with reason and truth! I agree with her. Those close to him must present strategies to give him a strong finish. His age has nothing to do with his ability to lead our country. Don't give up on President Biden.