I for one truly appreciated this film. Perhaps the low rating is largely due to the people who cannot handle the controversial topic of questioning who God is and finding that he is merely what we perceive him to be and not some angry, vengeful omnipresence. It actually gets you truly thinking about the meaning of God, which I appreciate greatly. These are important questions that should be asked in life.
I also perceived Sybok to be a typical cult leader who brainwashes his followers and gets them to blindly follow him without question.
I thought Shatner was a great director and that the story he created in this film was truly original and so much of what the essence of Star Trek is all about- seeking the truth. I’m not sure why he gets judged so harshly all the time. The Jerry Goldsmith score wonderfully complimented the film- Jerry being my favourite of all the score composers to have worked on the franchise. It was especially beautiful and memorable when Kirk, Mccoy, Spock and Sybok landed on Sha Ka Ree.
I also loved the camaraderie and sense of family among the 3 leading characters, the quote at the beginning of the film where Kirk said he knew he'd one day die alone, and then at the end of the film when Kirk said he thought he'd die on Sha Ka Ree and Spock said he couldn't because he was not alone was particularly moving. Kirks speech about how we need pain as it makes us who we are, and without it we would lose ourselves is one of my favourite quotes of all time by him.
The pacing of the film was also good, I felt gripped the entire time which is always crucial when it comes to movies- when it is no longer gripping it becomes boring. The element of humour was welcome when it arose here and there (actually the film was quite humorous overall), since the main underlying theme of the film is rather serious.
Also, what I thought was particularly clever was when Kirk said the quote "all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by" which he also quoted in the original series episode called 'The Ultimate Computer' in 1968. It so sums up who Kirk is.
Overall a wonderful film, which is unfortunately mostly overlooked.