The first hint this was going to be awful movie is when you see JLo playing chess against an Ai with the board memorised and she checkmates her opponent on her way out, and with a win streak of 71. Also, what the heck is the move "pawn 6" anyway? Even Magnus Carlsen can't checkmate today's chess engines.
She asks the coffee machine for coffee which reminds her that what she asked for is her favourite coffee, like Duh! That's the reason she asked for that particular coffee.
In the next scene there is a some boring monologue regarding Atlas Shepherd's character building between general Boothe and the colonel Banks before Atlas enters the ICN HQ dressed similarly to a nazi general's uniform
Here are some other points that made this movie awful;
* J Lo is over emotional about the general's plan to capture Harlan and about everything else throughout the rest of the movie. she practically begged to be included in the mission and yet cries all the way thru it because of her incompetence at everything.
* What's Earth's secret weapon to capture Harlan? Mech warriors! (was already done in the computer game Mech Warriors, and Avatar)
* The rest of the movie only goes downhill from here on. Like, why would Harlan build Ai robots shaped as humans. humanoids are highly inefficient. Ai drones would make better soldiers, for example.
* Sending '2F authentication' for exit clearance. In 2024 we have multi factor authentication but in the future we go back to 2 factor authentication?
* The battleship Dhiib is ambushed by Harlan's attack and Atlas Shepherd is in free-fall with the rest of the troops, many with are being shot and killed in still while still falling. Atlas is disorientated as she falls hard onto the surface (already done in the movie 'The edge of tomorrow' starring Tom Cruise. Great movie, Btw)
* After some boring introduction with the ARC Ai suit, they make a move and clunkily walk slow, yet near the end of the movie, the ARC robot can do some really amazing fast martial arts moves.
* There are a bunch of other plot holes as big as J Lo's butt-hole, example; how 30+ Ai enabled ARC bots which are equally intelligent as Smith, and with trained warrior solders inside them all got killed, except the untrained and panicky Atlas somehow survives.
Maybe young sci-fi fans will like this movie, but I had force myself to watch to the end just go see if it got any better. No luck.