now this is just my opinion but minecraft dungeons is a terrible game and shouldn't waste your money on it, if you really want to try it just buy xbox game pass for pc to try it for free. if you were looking for a diablo 3 experience your not going to find it here. there is no story to speak of, no crafting in case your wondering, bullet sponge enemies, every armor and weapon is the same with slightly different stats, legendary and epic gear had worse stats than loot that was considered common, every level played exactly the same but had a different theme.not to mention no character customization to speak of. conclusion please don't buy this game don't waste your money on it for those that did buy it try for a refund. this game feels like a cookie cutter mobile game instead of a full fledged game. would only pay 5 dollars for this game no where near 20 or 30 bucks. if this game didn't have minecraft attached to it i wouldn't have even tried it