THIS MOVIE IS TRASH!!! Plot amour and cliché ending. If you know for sure your neighbor is stalking you, do you:
A: Stalk them back to an undisclosed location and play dumb when they catch you
B. Ignore them but stay cautious
C. Try to intimidate the stalker with strangers and try to investigate by yourself
If you pick A or C, that’s what happened!!! It also the cliché husband that never believes the wife and gaslight her that it’s all in her head and at the end, she was right and she somehow survived a very 99 percent fatal wound but somehow manage to stand up and have enough strength to shoot a gun and walking away.
The craziest part is that all survival skills/instinct goes out the window. There’s a scene where she goes in her friend apartment because she heard screaming but doesn’t bother to check around nor attempt to even look around but knowing DAMN WELL that The closet is oddly open that’s big enough to look out of but not big to see through. She’s only concerned about not being perceived as crazy rather than the safety of her friend.
Honestly, I would’ve been happier if she died and the movie ended.