Now why is the cgi, wigs and costumes looking worse than before. I don’t understand how the cgi in this movie looks worse than early 2000s cgi. Most scenes they didn’t even look as if they were actually there. Second movie of guardians of the galaxy, the first monster they’re fighting, actually looked real and as if the characters were fighting it. But in this movie when they’re fighting that octopus looking thing, it looks so damn unrealistic and it’s so clear it’s cgi. The tentacles looked as if they were just floating on the ground. Now about America, 90% of her useless screen time was just her looking around and standing there??? They tried so hard to force a strong true bond between her and strange. Trying so hard to make her a iconic gen Z relatable character. But it just ends up so damn cringe. This whole movie was about non stop action scenes. So much to the point where you already know what’s going to happen and there’s literally no rising climax. They always rush movies nowadays and get straight into the action. I get it, people want the movie to get to the good parts (I was the same) but when it’s 16 minutes into the movie and it’s all action, just makes it feel so rushed. Honestly at this point Im not even mad because 90% of movies that come out nowadays are bad.