Welp 15$ and two days later after the PvE was released, I'm just plain disillusioned Activision Blizzard really dropped the ball; its just Archives with Character dialog, and that's it, I can say the first time through is nice at first. but every play through afterwards just sinks the game lower and here's why:
Bullet Sponges for Weak enemies- Nothings makes you feel less like a hero when you can't even handle 3 of the weakest robots alone on legendary, I understand if the elites are this way but the common enemies are way too strong and it takes players out of the roles they choose like tank or DPS. Everyone ends up playing way too safe and it becomes a crawl pace instead of action packed.
Balancing for Heroes is way off-
No one plays like they should in the missions meaning that no one is straight tank or DPS, you have to play very carefully( in hindsight this was cool for a day because I had to strategize with teammates about tough sections like Sweden or Toronto. But once the initial testing was done I realized how there's no reason taking chances in selection if your character simply cannot compete with others for damage or abilities.
Levels are not repayable- these missions are the least repayable mainly because of the lack of randomness in game, I was hoping for a director like AI for the games missions like in Left 4 Dead but the missions are very cut and dry by the books to the point where it encourages exploits of things like booping artillery off edges or rushing into enemies before spawn ins to acquire a better advantage.
The Cinematics- may be the best part, but it's far too late to care now, either you're already invested in the lore or not, this only begs me to question why the Story wasn't introduced more clearly sooner. The cliffhanger just feels offensive cause now we have to pay another 15$ for this mediocre sample, which by the way Activision Blizzard its not happening if this is all you got. I wanted a full Co-op story mode...
-No Wiggle Room when it comes to Expert and Legendary difficulties, some heroes are just better than others when you look at Damage and abilities. You can experiment and try just you will be making the missions way harder to unbearable for your teammates and that sucks.
I loved the ideas of being overpowered with new abilities that would've worked great for these missions but that's just it, all that is long gone, and what's left is a hollow project. There's no nuance in the harder difficulties.
My biggest pet peeve of this update is that, some missions are only going to be available after a set time, not by how much you complete. For example I currently have 3 missions locked that say " Available in 2 days" another saying "9 days, and a third saying "16" no doubt this is too retain players in hopes we come back to play these missions; blocking players from content we paid for must be a for sure way we don't go through too fast which spoiler alert, I beat every mission on legendary in 2 days, that's not normal. in Fact that's really Short. Unless you're going to 100% every single challenge mission, its not worth the efforts, especially playing the missions with multiple heroes.
In general this is a real 5/10, Poor polish and practically everything is spoon fed so that you just progress your battle pass and earn a rank number as you play. If I could Give Zero Stars for this game I would, goodbye Overwatch it was fun while it lasted. RIP