This is really a great literature of real greatman dr. Ambedkar. First thing is dr. Ambedkar is a great scholar and undoubtedly a great man. This book reveals the greatness of ranade and his great work in social reform. Dr. Ambedkar exposes the weekness, drawbacks, lapses of hindu religion. As dr. Ambedkar rightly recognises hindu religion is not worthy to be called as a religion but it is mockery of the religion. The country was under foreigners rule for around 1000 years, muslim and british rulers and for this muslims and britishers invasion and for their oppression and tyrany, the hindu chathurvarna is directly responsible. Even for the set back of the country this chathurvarna is responsible. Casteism and especially untouchability are the greatest enemies of the nation and as rightly observed by the dada saheb ambedkar hindu society and the nation will never progress until the complete elimination of these social evils. If today india is progressing and advancing in every field it is just because of Dr. Ambedkar's constitution and because of his great vision. There is nothing exaggaration in saying that for bringing in social justice and social equality Dr. Ambedkar's contribution is so great and though Gandhi, Buddha, Basavanna and others struggled for the elimination of caste and untouchability and worked as social reformers - it was not so effective and efficient as Dr. Ambedkar's great struggle in this field. Because buddha, basavanna came in to pucture 1000 and 500 years back and tried to reform the hindu society , there were very rigorous and cruel practices were there in hindu society. Of course the people like Rajaram Mohan rai, phule etc., worked hard in this social reform - that can never be equalled to Dr. Ambedkar's work. Because of shortage of time this my review is incomplete and india should be ever greatful to Dr. Ambedkar for ever.