Wahhhhhh I want it to be like the game.
Wahhhhhhh why isn’t it how I would have done it!!??
Wahhhh I want the same thing over and over.
Seriously. Most of your posts are grammatical nightmares. And your words attached to them are so DUMB. No wonder you didn’t get the show and half of the things happening. Albert told you he changed their DNA to make them stronger.. “how is she able to jump from that height!!??”
Are you even watching it while it’s on??!!
And “why isn’t Albert white with blonde hair!!!”
First.. calm down Adolf.
And secondly, Him being being black is not even a problem at all for people who don’t see colour wherever they bloody go. You realise “back In the day” they weren’t writing characters as black because of racism and how it would look and affect their ratings and pasty white audiences feelings.
AAAND It’s only season 1. 1 season. SEASON 1. Tell me what show revealed every bloody plot and answer in season 1!?? Game of thrones would be different and TERRIBLE if they gave you Jons origins in episode 3.
Get over yourself Nerds. Be patient. Or go write your own show. Bunch of useless..