It feels cool if your immersed but if that doesn't work or the pretty bad elements of pretty much just walking the entire time with the occasional puzzle and maybe a slow tensionless chase then it sucks and is incredibly boring I respect the people who made it because it probably took forever but still a lot of the story makes no sense including the ending I didn't even feel any emotion when I finished chapter 10 and why was there a random guy there getting mauled? You don't even see anyone for like the entire game (not to mention when you meet Aubrey it either looks or is that HIS MOUTH DOESNT MOVE WHEN HE TALKS) looks good great story TERRIBLE TELLING I hate hate Hate hate hate the fact that nearly everything is unresolved it ends on a cliffhanger with tesla saying "we can bring her back" a lot of the game makes sense to me but even then I didn't know what I was doing half the time because it was so boring that sleeping seemed more entertaining there's some salvage to be found such as Aubrey's crazy talk (the plot twist was painfully obvious) and not to mention you barely know anything about Ludwig the most I can even get out of the entire plot about him is he's involved in the time travel and wants to break the cycle