Cancel culture coming for Sia? Probably not because she isn’t conservative. I stand with the Autistic community on this movie. People of disability and everyone else... do we believe in redemption or should cancel culture just cancel all culture? That’s where we are headed. Do we want to be China? Because we are becoming China. Look what happened to Gina Carano, all she did was call out the dangers of Cancel culture and group think. The comparison of the German people oppressing Jews and what we see today towards a conservative political view is not wrong. During the 30s hate towards the Jews escalated gradually. Group think is dangerous. My grandparents escaped Nazi Germany and my Grandpa became a spy. Gina is absolutely right and Twitter Blue check marks came to cancel her and Disney fired her proving her point... the only people calling this out is a few progressives and the whole conservative base. When the Twitter mob comes to cancel someone they essentially are saying they want you dead by not being able to sustain yourself. These media outlets are covering this fact up. They are brainwashing you. National News outlets and social media is destroying this nation and now Google, Facebook, Amazon, Apple, YouTube and Twitter have more power than every nation combined. They are getting away with censorship on a massive level. Listen to Tom MacDonalds fake woke. iTunes took it off and now it’s back on but they still took it off because the dangers it has towards the power of the establishment. It speaks truth. They do this all the time and claim they aren’t censoring conservatives. We are Non-violent peaceful conservatives that want to have a conversation which is 99% of us and we are screaming that cancel culture will turn on itself till an Authoritarian comes in. Biden was never going to turn things back to normal, he’s going to protect the establishment that has screwed us over and over again and say it’s because of “climate change” and “rona” or “conservatives” we have to go with “the great reset”. Off topic but man made climate change is a hoax, we are in a 12k yr cycle where the poles flip and magnetic field weakens. This is happening now. The earth is spinning faster. History tells us the Arctic ice melts and then a mini ice age happens. Look it up. Science is dead because it’s been weaponized and politicized by the elites. Wake up people. Pay attention to the power grabs that happens this year and the dollar decline. Let’s Cancel the cancel culture and authoritarians and support each other and listen to different ideas and turn off the Tv and do some research for heavens sake.