I, myself. Personally loves the talk. They(cast) are the truth & real. Who doesn’t Sigurd coat anything. I, love the everyday real ness. It’s like those at home are also sitting @ the table. Only we can’t respond to certain issues @ hand. Such as what happened @ the capital was scary. I, also think . Will Johnson of America Unites who be on social media & always defending Trump& a trut Trump supporter. Who the American ppls. Sends him cash app & Venmo to have him follow & to encourage ppls. To come out & be ratical. The day before this unfolded. He was live. & letting ppls. Know to come out the next day to Pennsylvania ave. To walk to the capital. as if something was got to take place.& encourageing ppls to come out & sopport. To overturn the election. He know what is got on. He always made me think he was geo paid to do this to also encourage a african American to come out. I'm guessing to put much blame on them. When everything goes down. Buy just watching the day before. I, knew something was got to happen. His name is Will JOHNSON of America Unite “ UW”