A well researched and written book on a subject which our leaders, governors, media and intelligentsia rather we not know about. Thank heavens it has got the exposure it deserves.
However, in my view it does not adequately expose the central role that the dysfunctional EU has played in mass immigration. The buck passing by nations, technocrats, NGOs, politicians etc is breathtaking. And with no regard for the past, present and future generations of the citizens of Europe -a theme expressed by Edmund Burke in the 18th century.
A truly UNITED States of Europe would have had more success in allowing immigration to be controlled for genuine asylum seekers - borders would have been less porous on the periphery and internal movement managed properly with democratic consent. Or alternatively, left to NATION States alone the same outcome would probably have been achieved. Instead the internal discord between governors and governed in Europe on this subject when combined with economic decline, democratic deficit and lack of European purpose will lead to a very unstable outcome - the nature of which we can only guess.