Disapointed. This show is sold as a show about Ced The Entertainer; however, the focal point is a white jewish male. This guy (jewish male) appears to come up with all the ideas if there are any problems to be solved. Additionally, it appears the African American characters have to wait for the white jewish male’s solutions, in order to move forward with any meaningful solutions to any problem. So, for me the narritive is that we cannot even think for ourselves (the builders of the pyramids - mothers and fathers of civilization- mother and fathers of humanity). Morevover, Ced and the younger son appear to be whitewashed or watered down, as it relates to even the way they speak and their mannerism. I find it dissapointing the way they joke and/or downplay real issues that are plagueing the black community. This is done alongside of others outside of our communities. Have we ever heard Jews joking around about their holocost? Ours was/is 1000 times worse. I fully understand that Hollywood and most of the media is controlled by Jews, and generally speaking many/most blacks have no problems with them. However, I am aware of our long history with Jews, not to be mistaken for Hebrews who were African, even to the point where they (the Jews) were the largest slave holders in the Americas and the Jewish star of David stood on “The Door of No Return” in West Africa until recent years. They do indeed have a long history of exploiting blacks. This is a very sad, historically accurate, and an unfortunate truth. This however, does not to excuse the many whites/caucasians that played a role in the destruction of the African People/African Civilizations. Finally, the two adult black men play around with the little jewish kid. This plays into the narrative of historically calling black men boys. DISAPPOINTED!! I really wanted to like this show, but it appears to be just a step beyond black exploitation and we have had enough of that.