Having been an Elvis fan since 1960 I've seen and collected many photos of him taken when he first started out until his death and I never, EVER saw a photo of him wearing eye make up as he was in this movie and I found that to be in poor taste .... he had the most gorgeous eyes and they were always natural even in his many movies so I don't know why the filmmakers decided he would be wearing blue eye shadow and mascara in this movie.
Much as I enjoyed the movie and my initial reaction to it was wow! I found some parts to be unnaturally dramatized which, I think, is often done these days to give a movie more of what the makers feel the audience wants rather than the true picture of how and what actually happened.
It brought back wonderful memories of seeing Elvis in concert in Las Vegas and much as I learned about what I can only trust was the real relationship between him and Tom Parker and as it seems the Presley family appear to have thought the movie was perfect I'm not sure Elvis fans, like me, will fully appreciate it.