Not so much about the Predator, more so about coming of age;
I 'liked' this very well-put-together film with its natural ambiance, strong acting, beautiful scene scapes, and the feel of how it drew you into that place and time. I wasn't hoping for the usual franchise moves and story lines either. Having said that I was very disappointed by the entire idea that this was a new Predator movie...its a film about coming of age and validation splashed with going against the 'society norms' with the Predator just happening to be in some scenes doing what Predators do the best (Guess I hoped right after all?). Spoiler here, this Predator doesn't really do 'the best' at what they're typically known for. Though the take of this 'primitive' version is pretty awesome initially (Probably in the minority on that one). And wow, did it take awhile to even get into the whole alien is in the area idea and not to mention the main character pretty much forces the Predator to attack the natives, in between seemingly endless emotional cut scenes and close ups, as it was seemingly observing and minding its own business killing poorly CGI'd vermin around the country side. If you want over 90 minutes of woke feels and questionable CGI, this is the Predator movie for you. However, worth watching at least once so you can say you did.