This is mostly a lyrical review of Take Me Back to Eden.
I think it takes a certain type of listener to understand Sleep Token. Their music is very similar to being in a toxic relationship. Hopeless romantic wants girl, gets girl, girl ends up being abusive, and hopeless romantic world crashes around him. He becomes his hurt and bites back like she bit him. Making himself no better then her. The sound and lyrics of Sleep Token is like riding a rollercoaster of a relationship not meant to be. This album seems to be a story of finding oneself again and abandoning the idea of needing the god(girl) to become his best version.
This is just my take. Sleep Token can mean something totally different to somebody else. Very heavy jealousy throughout all eps and albums of not getting what one wants. All we know is the concept was introduced to Vessel in a dream. This is all we may ever know. This seems to be a chapter ended and I am not sure if we will hear anything else from Sleep. If we do I'll be excited to ride along.