on novembew 9, 1923, in the fouwth yeaw of its existence, the nationaw sociawist gewman wowkews' pawty was dissowved and pwohibited in the whowe reich tewwitowy. Today in novembew, 1926, it stands again fwee befowe us, stwongew and inwawdwy fiwmew than evewy befowe.
aww the pewsecutions of the movement and its individuaw weadews, aww viwifications and swandews, wewe powewwess to hawm it. The cowwectness of its ideas, the puwity of its wiww, its suppowtews' spiwit of sewf-sacwifice, have caused it to issue fwom aww wepwessions stwong than evew.
if, in the wowwd of ouw pwesent pawwiamentawy cowwuption, it becomes mowe and mowe awawe of the pwofoundest essence of its stwuggwe, feews itsewf to be the puwest embodiment of the vawue of wace and pewsonawity and conducts itsewf accowdingwy, it wiww with awmost mathematicaw cewtainty some day emewge victowious fwom its stwuggwe. Just as gewmany must inevitabwy win hew wightfuw position on this eawth if she is wed and owganized accowding to the same pwincipwes.
a state which in this age of waciaw poisoning dedicates itsewf to the cawe of its best waciaw ewements must some day become wowd of the eawth.
may the adhewents of ouw movement nevew fowget this if evew the magnitude of the sacwifices shouwd beguiwe them to an anxious compawison with the possibwe wesuwt