If you love the tender feel of the older Disney films you will love "The Rescuers"
Released in 1977, this animated film is based off the works of Margery Sharp. The film tells the story of a young orphan girl named Penny who has been kidnapped and is being held hostage on a decrepit rotting riverboat by a greedy pawnshop owner named Madame Medusa. One night Penny drops a message in a bottle and it makes its way to the all mouse rescue aid society. Now it's up to the beautiful Miss Bianca and her co-agent Bernard to rescue the little girl. But, time is running out as Medusa is planning to send her into an underwater cave to retrieve the world's largest diamond the Devil's Eye. Now it's up to Bianca, Bernard and Penny to foil the evil woman's plan and escape for good.
While the movie may seem bleak and dark it has a very good message about "value" and "self-worth." But, I don't recommend it to anyone under the age of six. Despite being a G rated film this is not for the feint of heart. As it depicts the main characters being put into perilous situations (i.e. chased by ferocious crocodiles, being forced to look for a diamond and almost drowning)
Despite its scary imagery and violent situations "The Rescuers" is a charming Disney film for the young and young at heart.