morbus made morbillion dollars at the box office because of its cinematic beauty, and was the first to do so. the main character, morbus, goes through a great tale on how to get women as a vampire man. the movie is most famously known for the hit line, "its morbin time, time to morb everywhere". people from all over adore this movie, and it has become a cult classic. regal reports that in every theater everyone morbed their pants. even the women! here are some fan responses: ben dover: "this movie is amazing! i love the morbus!" mike hawk: "morbuis is so hot!" moe lester: "morbis makes me morb alot!". it has received the highest reviews out of any movie with 69,000% on rotten potatoes, cementing it as the greatest movie of all time. even better than shrek 2!!!!!!! because of its fame, the morb cinematic universe will expand with "moruis 2: the morbening" and a spin off show, "the moighty morbin power rangers". both will be directed and written by the talented candice. morb on everyone!