I just can’t with this movie. I just can’t. I really really can’t. What has me so beyond baffled is how unrealistic this movie is. That’s what actually makes it scary, it’s not the gore or the gruesome deaths or action scenes, it’s how realistic it is. The feeling that this could happen to me is what has me on the edge of my seat through movies like final destination, the conjuring and even true crime documentaries. It’s not realistic to be pouring 1 liter of blood out your mouth while being repeatedly stabbed by 2 people at the same time about 2000 times while your damn guts come out and still somehow survive???? I’m sorry but God himself must be their doctors for these guys to make a full recovery. Kirby just kept getting back up after being beaten, stabbed and shot?!??! wtf kinda protein is Kirby taking, she must be on some kinda powder. As well as that ladder scene where that girl somehow fell 5000ft from the damn sky and broke her face on a rubber bin mind you. There were 3 people vs 1 skinny teen virgin you seriously couldn’t take him?? As well as there being 3 grown adults on the other end of a heavy metallic ladder and all it took was for ghostface to rock it for that frail girl to fly off?! You really mean to tell me they couldn’t use force to keep it still? I even thought ghostface was just gonna pull or push the ladder so she falls but rocking it is just ridiculous. I do like that there was a more interesting story plot but 30 minutes of that movie was disposable. And gale just needs to die, just let that women retire from this joke of a horror sequel she was viable in the first few films but now she’s just a consistent cunt.