Let me just say that this is by far the best movie (discluding endgame) I have ever seen! I mean, i probably shouldn't be watching this because, I am 12 years old, but holy cow that was a fun one to watch! It deserves it's rotten tomato rating! I just loved it. No spoilers Here, so I'll give a spoiler free review,
I loved the story and Jordan Peele really hit a home run with this one. After I watched it, I kind of wanted to see Get Out, so I'm wondering, is it a good movie? Anyway, I liked the characters a lot. I liked the whole idea of tethered people. I think it was a very cool idea. The ends plot twist did confuse me, and it wasn't really necessary. The plot twist is the only thing I didn't like about this movie. But I mean, it's a good movie. I'm excited to see if a sequel comes out, cause that would be amazing. Jordan also times jump scares perfectly! Most movies you can predict them, but in Us, the jump scares were in a bunch of random places so they would actually make you jump! Anyway, I think this isn't the best movie for kids under 12, but it isn't the most scary movie, because it was pretty darn violent. Anyway, this is my opinion, not yours. Overall I loved every second of this movie, and my final review is:
Overall review 9/10
If the plot twist wasn't I thing, I would have given it a 10 btw