I am amazed by how the music director could copy peaky blinders 'do i wanna know' theme song music while bheema rescuing ram....it was a very serious moment and emotional but listening to that copied music I burst into laughter which spoiled the emotions and movie for me....i know what to except from the rajmouli movie but I am very disappointed that no ne identified a copied music in the most important scenes or the most goosebumps scenes in the movie.... rajmouli did great but not keervani ...thee might be very great scenes and screenplay but my stomach couldn't stop hurting when artic monkeys do I wanna know played in a very serious scene...maybe all the movies are a one time watches and goosebumping movies but the copied hiccups which no one identify or let it pass got my hysterical laughter which I don't expect because rajmouli stamp is authentic as his movies are..but it's all like a childhood lie..i won't believe anymore and maybe that's why they sold it to Zee coz it snkt worth the hype anymore