I wish I could hit like and dislike
*some spoilers*
The ending was definitely not what I had expected and was probably one of the best parts, kind of reminds me of the professional if leon decided to become matilda's handler. The movie did a good job making Dunkan (Mad Mikkelsen) look good and unkillable, not to dissimilar from other reiteration of the same character archetype (John Wick, Jason Bourne, Bond), but the problem were the bad guys. They made the bad guys look TERRIBLE, aside from vivian characters, the rest of them delivered dry, flat and boring. In addition the guys that crew had to kill seemed not worth sending all 5 to kill, I mean is those 5 were the best you got, then you're better off calling an airstrike and then sending 50 guys to soften Dunkan up then send in that 5 to finish him. Also Blut was probably the worst and the most bleh. Has generic traveling montages with big black SUVs, a random porn scene. Probably the best part and saving grace to the movie is the exchange between the male and female lead, it really feels like the professional the way they interact. I would hope for a sequel just to see them develop into like a teacher and killer.