Today, MEGAN shouted at Joy to stop yelling at her. Has Megan EVER watched a clip of herself. Does she not realize that she always shouts and she talks over people if they disagree. She says she is the only Republican on the show and NEEDS to EDUCATE everyone else. She is rude and comes off as a young kid trying to make everyone hear her as opposed to and adult in a sharing her view point. As a retired teacher I find her actions to be childish and entitled. Abby is a Republican but doesn't yell her point of view. Anna is Republican and makes her points quietly. Does Megan not understand that the best debate tactic is to get quieter and to let others talk without interrupting. I have watched this show since day one. Many times I have thought about stopping. Elizabeth was the same as Megan and I made it through her but Megan is almost my breaking point. The fact that she KNOWS everything is very wearing. No one is allowed to disagree her. It's just too much. She needs to go.