Filled with Fallout DNA, this is a solid, engaging and deep RPG that will satisfy anyone who has enjoyed Bethesda's series, or their earlier precursors. Visually stunning, filled with quick wit and quirky situations, Outer Worlds hides a far darker plot beneath its genuinely enjoyable and engaging surface; which, when it hits, comes both as a surprise and as a real conflict. This is no black and white, good vs. evil narrative, but a world filled with shades of grey.
I have just one criticism of this game: in some respects, it is overflowing with loot - but that loot is largely either unnecessary (the consumables), or repetitive (the weapons), with little variation. Borderlands, this is not - and though there are some truly creative and clever weapons on offer, they are surrounded by a sea of mediocrity. Thankfully, it's the ONLY place in this game that you'll find mediocrity of any kind. The NPCs are beautifully written and nuanced, the companions have complex and interesting back stories and distinct personalities, and the enemies (while again not terribly varied) serve their function well.
Highly recommended.