The first season has 6 episodes that run for close to an hour each. So after watching 4 episodes, I looked for reviews because my god is this show awful. And the 5-star reviews on this thing read as if they were paid off to write good things about this "show". The first episode is interesting enough to get you to watch the second one however after that it just goes downhill into the territory of "We were completely unable to continue writing this story with smart people who have common sense. So from here on out everybody's IQ shall be reduced to that of a rock so we can continue with the story." Sounds dramatic but after sitting for 4 hours watching a show about people just beating innocents up because some fanatic said that God is dishing out decrees to sinners that's the only conclusion I can deduce. I'm going to regrettably finish this season up just so I can rightfully hate on it some more.
- Possible spoilers -
It starts with a detective main character but we don't see him after episode 3. The main fanatic leader gets a decree that turns out he received 20 years previous to these events. I consider him the villain, so as he's monologing to the detective, why isn't he the "hero", ie. the detective so far, recording any of this? You know, gathering evidence? But for plot reasons, he doesn't.
Then the gang, "The New Truth" organization, continues sinning by killing people who are associated with those who received a decree from "God". And the police do nothing. Nobody does anything. They just let them beat, kill, and pillage others because of "plot reasons".
I mean a freaking baby that is like a week old gets a decree. But we never find out why any of this is happening. And the demons beat the living daylights out of all of their victims before burning them. Um, if they are going to Hell why are you torturing them before death? Never answered. They're just demons that torture humans and the people in the show have such a low IQ that they just accept it all as "God's Will".
I frankly do not care for any statement on society and religion because to be blunt I do not believe there is a statement on that stuff in this show. I believe this is one of those cases of "If people want to film something, even if it is awful, they will."