Suggestion: The thing that no-one can talk about is the thinking that goes on in the Trump base. But consider the thinking that goes on in the minds of the WWF fans of professional wrestling. At some level they know that it is staged, and therefore, not true wrestling. But the temptation to be entertained overwhelms the demand that it be real. They prefer dramatic unreality that patronizes them and capitalizes on willing gullibility. Real wrestling is not as emotional. It does not tap into deep resentments and a desire for a hero.(Hitler and Mussolini knew this!) Trump has played this so-called "reality show" well and the republicans know that every vote counts. Consider the "bell curve" graph of any population: You have the very thoughtful members on one end, the vast average majority in the middle, and the skeptically-challenged on the far side. If Trump has done anything, he's exposed our whole citizenry. This may also be why our forefathers implemented the electoral college.