I'm going to tell you 'women' the truth. I feel that you all need to fall on your knees and repent of your sins, your sins which are many, and you need to ask Jesus Christ to help you to change, because you all are so full of hatred towards anyone who believes in God's laws and tries to follow them. You're so full of 'following the lies of the democrats', I don't know how you can live with yourselves....And, Whoopi, you stated that being trans and/or gay, queer or whatever you call it, is very much okay with God. You claimed that the Bible, the true written Word of God, says that it's okay, but you are so wrong. You'd better re-read God's Word, and you certainly need to do just that, and if you read the entire Bible, you will find truth and maybe, just maybe, you might change for the better. You'd better apologize to God, because His Holy Word says that same sex affairs is an abomination, and if I were you, I would never, ever state anything concerning God's Word that's not in His Word. I seriously think that God does not approve of what you did, and as I said, you'd better be on your knees repenting. Know that we 'reap what we sow', so you'd best be telling people on your show, that you were wrong, and then tell them what His Word really says.....I know you people will never read this, but at least I tried to reach you with God's truth, so I do hope, for the sake of your souls, that you have read this and that you heed this advice and learn from it. As I said, your very souls are at stake.