SPOILER ALERT!!!. Ok, as not to sound completely negative, I’d say I feel more than justified in stating that WW84 is Not a total miss when it comes to big budget Super Hero movies. That, I believe, is the total of admiration I would or could bestow upon a film that achieved a goal of being nothing short compleat pablum. The film contains a few worthwhile performances by actors who have garnered due accolades from Their previous work. But in this, most often, banal effort, their work has gone into a project that, on a whole, just does not justify their presence. In this outing Gayle Gadot’s titular hero Wonder Woman, along with the rest of the world, learns a elementary life lesson in a slow and almost tortuous way. Unfortunately being the audience you have chosen to go along for that over than two hour long journey. And with you has come Pedro Pascal, Chris Pine and Kristen Wiig. All of whom are performers of unquestionable talent of varying degrees. They along with the rest of us get to see, at the very least, where the monetary investment went with a grand visual display of the supernatural hero realm and marvelous, if not always so indiscreet CGI. The folks behind the lens, director Patty Jenkins and others try as they will to make you care about the individuals in the film but ultimately fail to do so. This is possibly to the size of the project itself. None of the characters seem abundantly deserving of the cause. Pascals master of evil is just a sad little man who in the end is brought back to reality and forced to admit to his 6-7 year old child what a loser and failure he is. Kristen Wigs sad pathetic Dr. of antiquities has also, we’re guessing here, learned a lesson and will go back to the apparently boring life of what a Dr. of antiquities do, and Pine’s Steve Rodgers goes back to ...well where he came from I guess. And what of Diana Prince? Well maybe that’s where much of the problem lies with this film. Maybe it’s with Wonder Woman’s character in itself. We all know what drives Batman and Superman and also most of the other famous superheroes. But WonderWoman? For me at least, not so much. The film makers use a ‘lost love’ for her motivation but in our real world that’s just not enough. Thus I feel there’s no real need for hero but in the saving of the world. That’s where the The focus needed to be and in that you need a villain that has to be a real threat but unfortunately we don’t get one here. WW84 is a big misguided, colorful mess with weak characters and a very sill plot line. In the end the only Character that I cared about was Pine’s and he apparently goes beck to the grave. That felt somewhat unfair but he seemed to be ok with it by the end of WW84. I must say I understood his character completely.