I’d like to see an episode with intelligent people (of whom there are many) who are in ‘the system’, on welfare, who live in govt housing and the rigmarole and stress it’s actually like to be there. You work, you’re rent goes up, the houses are not maintained. The appointments and expectations are mind boggling to the point where you live on eggshells most of the time. It is not a ‘stress free’ life for those who are trying to do the right thing. I’ve worked as a casual for many yrs but the more money I make (I’ve been single for 20 yrs since partner committed suicide) the more my rent goes up and I don’t feel there’s any way out (from ‘the system/welfare). Just before the last election, I had the local MP, Helen Haines, knock on my door and I mentioned the same thing to her. She seemed surprised that they did that. Said she’d look into it but...well, you know!