I started liking the show a lot in the beginning. Let me talk about Ginny's character. She is the most unlikable character I have seen to date on TV 📺. Even the villans in in story are more likable then her. It's not about what she does that makes her unlikable it's the way she talks. She believes she is entitled more so then her other friends and her family. The way she speaks and cares about mostly everyone is disappointing. I'm on my 8th episode and I will no longer be watching it, I can not stand a girl who is so wrapped up in her own world she can't see what's infront of her, beside her, and what's against her. The story line about her mother is what kept me going, the story keeps shift more and more to ginny though as episode pass. She's a suffered good girl gone bad basically thats what the story is about with Ginny at least. When you include her mother though there is substance. Without the mother it's like looking at a straight line going no where.