I'm not sure why some think this is bad or the "same game as Madden".. I think it's great. It is WAY better than Madden with the presentation, graphics, fans, gameplay etc blowing it out the water. It is very fun to play and has had me hooked ever since I bought it. I've had plenty of fun against the AI and with friends. This is easily the best Football video game in years regardless of what some say. I think most of the haters just don't want to admit that it is actually good so they stick to hating because it's the "cool thing to do" and that's really it. I really don't get comparing this to any other Football game that has come out in the last decade as this really does feel better and way more fun. I've had a hard time putting it down since buying. I definitely recommend this to anyone who loves College Football and anyone who just wants to have fun on a football video game. My rating: 8.5/10