Fantastic read from a very gifted & brilliant man, 5/5 wud recommend if you are the type to try and weave recorded folklore and other documented disappearances throughout the the last 2,000 years all mentioning fairy/magical attractive women who lured their.victims away to their dimension(???best guess) for what seemed like only 4-6 hours in their time but when they traveled back 130 years had passed and the locals still told the story of this young man abducted into fairy world while out with his brother never to be found some 125-30 years ago and for him and many others others to show up can we quantify time if it bendable-KC33 READ BOOKS!!!
WINDSOR SPITFIRES CHL Humanitarian of the year finalist back to back years, donated over 50,000 books big thx to @SouthLandInsurance for restocking those inner city Windsor primary schools. Love that city- mic