I feel that instead of “It all started with Castlevania” which is not an anime at all!
They could’ve said “Bringing us back to our childhood days of Doraemon and Ultraman”.
I think that would’ve been a better hint to start off since that is where most people would start off with before jumping into the anime shows that are more action-packed and violent at times.
While I do appreciate the interviews of original Japanese creators, what I don’t like about it is why the hell Netflix decided to interview Adi Shankar and that African American guy for information??
Is it because of “representation” and “diversity”?? These people know nuts about making an anime although their storylines isn’t that bad.
Seriously. You know that the best creators of anime are obviously the Japanese as this is their bread and butter. Leave it to the pros y’all! Respect the culture please 🇯🇵