My favourite book!!! I truely loved the book so much and would recommend the book to everyone like you should surely read this book the book is just so beautifully written the poems the chapters sorry the day's these 30 day's are the best thing I would tell you to read one chapter a day it took 30 days for me to complete the book you will get to know why I'm in love with the book I've read the book so many times like more 2 or 3 and it gives me the same vibe must buy the book and read it the title itself is so unique dear stranger I know how you feel dear stranger actually the writer don't know how you actually feel but he really want you to feel better happy and stressful live a good life while reading you may think it is about depressed people or something like that but no it isn't it's about all those who are hiding pain behind their smile I love I believe you and you deserve the world💙